A dog-type robot "Hana-chan" who faints when she smells bad smell..

A dog-type robot "Hana-chan" who faints when she smells bad smell..

A dog-type robot "Hana-chan" that can measure odors. It is a robot that detects offensive odor with a humorous reaction.

If it smells good, it will love you.

If it is neither good nor bad, you can only say that it is Bow Wow.

In the case of an offensive odor it will collapse slowly and fade away.

The humorous response allows the user to determine whether or not things in his or her surroundings are acceptable. A new model that releases deodorant from the buttock is also being developed instead of the stunning feature.

Do you ask her to check the odors of your surroundings?


Next Technology, LLC

1st Apr 2019

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