4K short animation "Lights of Sand'' produced by Hiroyuki Yamaga × Yoshiyuki Sadamoto will be distributed in Japan
Singapore-based BlockPunk on January 17 proposed a new way to co-produce anime with fan participation. Announced the launch of "Lights of Sand DAO" as the first step.
DAO means a distributed organization. It uses tokens and smart contracts on the blockchain to automate the operation of the organization and make decisions based on a collaborative system.
Block punk DAO will be a mechanism that allows fans of the work to be more closely involved in "what to do with the finished work" in the future.
The anime "`Lights of Sand" is a 5-minute short anime released in 2019. Directed by Hiroyuki Yamaga, who directed the animated feature film "The Royal Space Force Oneamis Wings". Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, who worked on character design and comics for "Neon Genesis Evangelion", will be in charge of character design.
Blockpunk describes it as "the world's first hand-drawn full 4K animation created by top-notch staff."
Along with this announcement, it will be distributed on AbemaTV at midnight on January 17, 2020.
Lights of Sand Trailer (Youtube)
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