The collaboration of the anime "Yu Yu Hakusho" and "Iyemon Tokucha" has started!

The collaboration of the anime "Yu Yu Hakusho" and "Iyemon Tokucha" has started!

A collaboration between the popular anime "Yu-Yu Hakusho" and "Iyemon special tea (food for specified health use)" will be held! Today, June 15th, 2020 It started from (Mon).

The new project "Yu Yu Yu Tokucha", which consists of two contents, "Yu Yu Yu Toku Chat" and "Toguro teaches # things you lacked now"

Popular characters such as “Urayami Yusuke”, “Kuwabara”, “Kurama”, “Hiei”, “Toguro Brother”, “Jin”, “Coenma”, and “Genkai” will appear in “Yu Yu Yu Special Chat”. , Respond to training suggestions and motivation according to user chat contents.

In “Toguro teaches # things you lacked now”, when you answer a question on the official Twitter page of “Iyemon Tokucha,” Toguro brother advises you what you are missing. ! By all means, please use it to create opportunities for healthy behavior!

15th Jun 2020

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